Healthy and Whole

Equipping busy women to live healthy and whole through all seasons of life

No comparison. No competition. No perfection.

Primary Offerings

By Appointment

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Physical Therapy

The human body is truly amazing in its ability to coordinate movements to accomplish tasks from walking and kicking a ball to picking up a baby or putting on a jacket. While the body is designed to carry out these tasks efficiently and effectively, there are times when we experience discomfort and pain doing them due to things like injury, illness, weakness, or stiffness. During these times, physical therapy becomes an important component to help you reduce pain, re-store movement, and increase strength, allowing you to return to the activities that are most important to you. We seek to identity and treat underlying root causes (not just symptoms) through functional assessments and 1 on 1 hands-on treatment. Our goal is to help you move better so that you can whole-heartedly live out your God given calling.

Health and Wellness Assessments

Our overall health and well-being is multi-dimensional. Not only does it embody physical health, but it also includes nutritional health, stress management, sleep health, relational and occupational health, as well as spiritual health. If we are truly to improve our overall wellness, all of these dimensions should be addressed. It is natural, and often easiest, to begin with physical health; however, we must recognize the roles the other dimensions play in our overall health and well-being. Our Integrated Health and Wellness Assessment incorporates each of these elements. Schedule an assessment today to get a baseline measurement and learn how we can help you steward your health through periodic check-ins, consultations, and recommendations. As we become healthy ourselves, we are better able to care for and serve our families, friends, and neighbors.

Other Courses and Offerings

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Faith-Based Health and Fitness Classes

Train your body, mind, heart, and soul through our faith based exercise classes and discipleship classes. Movement is a gift and fitness is about more than our outward appearance. In our Moved Beyond fitness classes, we go beyond the exercise itself, challenging and encouraging you to strengthen your faith as you strengthen your body. We use a variety of exercise modalities to increase strength, cardiovascular/respiratory fitness, balance, and flexibility with an emphasis on functional movement in all 3 planes of motion. In our discipleship classes we work through various books and studies that demonstrate how our minds and spirits affect our physical bodies. We emphasize inner transformation before outer transformation, and we seek to pursue God first even in our pursuit of health and wellness. Our goal is to become healthy in mind, body, and spirit so we can love and serve others out of the overflow of our own hearts.

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Pursue God First...

even in your health and wellness journey

click to access our faith and wellness journal pdf

Copyright 2023 . All rights reserved


119 N Main Street

Buffalo Center, IA 50424




